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Analysis Of China Elevator Industry Problems

Views: 38     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-07-27      Origin: Site

Elevator industry development, and economic development and the development of the national real estate market has a close relationship, after the reform and opening up, China brand lift productivity to achieve a hundredfold now growing supply growth has reached fifty times. Today, China has become the world's first production and marketing power lift.

However, the development of China's elevator industry, there are still serious problems, first, the management issues - trade associations. Industry associations are key management, but did not take the initiative in the years to guide the creation of the elevator industry to China to develop, support for innovation and enterprise does not care, but only members of the Association are mostly fawning to trust foreign brands and technology.

Second, the regulatory agencies. Although regulatory reform, but only in theory that regulatory supervision, although the need for two-way security system, in fact, has not yet been strictly enforced in GB7588-2003 national standard, which has a relationship with the management of the relaxation test specification. The management is doing the article from the threshold of the enterprise, but they ignore the need to give support innovation.

Thirdly, there is the problem of the elevator in the industry itself. In the old enterprise development, currently focusing on R & D investment too little attention, so there are some small businesses in the imitation stage. The Chinese elevator industry companies, those companies only just got out of imitation development, innovative business development will be faster.

Fourth, the elevator installation maintenance of a serious shortage of power. At present, the annual growth elevator 50-60 million units, according to the development of the 2-3 million to repair and maintenance team, and the installer also need to increase each year about one million people each year, the total annual increase in maintenance of the installation is in the third to four million people, while the actual installation of 2014 new dimension of not more than 10,000 security personnel, installation and maintenance personnel at the end of 2014, the gap reached 50,000. Therefore insufficient supervision and guidance, resulting in a elevator installation maintenance personnel shortage, thus affecting the quality and safety of elevator operation.

Fifth, the elevator industry, lack of professional training. Currently the country has reached a production and sales lift half a million units or more, and the current college with only one elevator Suzhou professional. There are many reasons for the lack of one elevator professional faculty, the second is the elevator company's technical staff did a good level of competence to these teachers.

Sixth, the financial capital of the elevator industry seriously enough, especially VC and PE are unfamiliar to the elevator industry, and no VC capital into the elevator industry, which can not raise the level of development and technological level of domestic SMEs.

For the development of the industry, must take an objective analysis, you must identify the problems, so we can solve problems and get development. But the elevator industry executives and companies are difficult to objectively analyze the current situation in the industry and to face the problem to solve. It takes years or even ten years to go before they can be gradually resolved, but which companies will be the first to get resolved before development. The Chinese brand lift really big country from the elevator to the elevator power, from the elevator to lift China to create a Chinese manufacturer, departments need to adjust the thinking, to support the development of this industry.

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